Comment on Due Process and Rule of Law.  The latest example of EPA killing America’s economy is the logoAlaska case of a mine investor, the Pebble Partnership, which has acquired leases on state lands designated for mining (Here is an Alaska newspaper report by Lisa Demer.  Here is the Pebble Partnership position.).  

The EPA with support from well-funded environmental activists are seeking to derail the project even before it applies for a number of required state and federal permits for specific work on the state project.

This is another federal violation of "due process" and an attack on our formerly orderly "rule of law", as the agency has constructed an imaginary project so that it might study the potential impact of an imaginary mine surrogate.  

So far, evidence of the EPA’s expensive and imaginary research is that if done badly a mining project on state lands would significantly harm the environment — but not if done well.  This gives activists the opportunity to demand the EPA block all efforts to develop the state leases using federal authority–just to avoid the possibility of any significant harm an imaginary project that has not even applied for permits, could do.  

We urge readers to carefully stitch together the pattern of ‘rule of law and due process’ violations this Administration has created.  

There is no way the country can economically survive as it has without reasonable, rational resource development providing jobs and wealth, off-setting the nearly unimaginable $16 trillion debt to which this and the prior Administration has obligated our children.  America won’t even be able as a bankrupt country to continue providing reasonable environmental protections with such behavior.  

There is no way America will reestablish natural resource investment to support our way of life until the people shut down the horrifying, authoritarian overreach of the EPA and other agencies under control of the current dictatorial regime.  -dh