The Federal government is choking Alaska’s economy by blocking access to what should be multiple-use as well as petroleum-designated lands.  The State government is strangling Alaska’s investment climate with an illogical, suicidal tax regime.  It is the perfect, economic storm.  In recent weeks, we’ve urged readers to participate in federal hearings.  The Resource Development Council for Alaska (RDC) and dozens of other Alaska organizations and companies are urging Alaskans to visit their local Legislative Information Offices at 5 pm this afternoon and speak in support of HB110.  This bill will work to increase throughput in the Trans Alaska Pipeline and make Alaska more competitive. The Trans Alaska Pipeline (TAPS) is two-thirds empty and throughput is rapidly falling. This alarming trend must be stopped or the pipeline could  cease operations in just a few years!  Imagine Alaska’s economy without the oil industry.  New taxes would likely be placed on every family and business in Alaska, from mining to fishing to tourism to logging just to pay for our government.  Think about the jobs we’d lose too–nearly 50% of our state’s jobs are closely tied to the oil industry.  Your testimony WILL make an impact.  For points to include in your testimony, you can see RDC’s most recent newsletter and talking points at: – (Commentary: RDC and DH)

Today, we hear that Anchorage’s municipal utility will negotiate with Cook Inlet Region, Inc. to obtain electricity generated by a wind farm soon to take form on Fire Island, adjacent to the Anchorage International Airport. -dh  ADN.

Yesterday, the Anchorage Mayor’s Energy Task Force  …. (more coming)